Recommended book – Reversing heart disease (read excerpts)

Reversing heart disease I have recently finished reading this book for around 5th time. Reversing heart disease is one such book. Internet is filled with nearly all the information you need. This works well, if you are dealing with a specific question or query. But, when it involves something related to your belief or understanding about 'anything', you need an in depth conversation. Why? Belief is more or less backed by your reasoning and experiences. That is the only way a thought upgrades to belief. Which means to change a belief, the reasoning needs to be satisfied or experience needs [...]

2018-08-31T09:53:56+05:30Health|Comments Off on Recommended book – Reversing heart disease (read excerpts)

How to stay healthy when you don’t have time?

"It takes me 2 hours to reach office. There is no time left to do anything other than a little walk after dinner." This is the reality that most of the people who are living in a metropolitan city and working at a distance of more than 10-15 km. Not many of us are lucky to have an office within 10-15 min drive. This is frustrating.  Here you are working hard to have a life where you can live life the way you want too. Which in most cases you are able to do, unless, it is hampered by the [...]

2018-07-18T20:07:51+05:30Health|Comments Off on How to stay healthy when you don’t have time?

Yoga for back pain: What you need to know

Updated: January 2019 Yoga for back pain Health is Yoga is broadly measured by the health of our spine and by that extension, our complete back. Hence, most of asana practices are designed around spinal movements. Yoga works for back pain. There is no doubt about it. It works by slowly building the necessary movements in spine and areas around it. What it needs is proper understanding of back pain and then practicing accordingly. Depending on the pain itself, the area and physiology, there are certain adjustments that need to be made. Though overall principles of practice remain same ( [...]

2019-01-29T01:02:07+05:30Health|1 Comment

One day Fast: Types, Benefits & How to do it

What is a Fast? Keeping a fast means to abstain from food for certain amount of predefined of time. But, as per yogic understanding a fast is different from simply abstaining from food. Fasting in yoga means you plan the duration, activity, timing & diet that you will follow for that period. Also, how to break the fast is also given importance in Yogic fast. Fasting in a cleansing technique. Though it is not a part of shatkarma, it does include certain techniques from these cleansing techniques to maximise the benefits of fasting. Benefits of Fasting Fast, especially one day(24-hour) [...]

2018-05-22T15:28:59+05:30Health|Comments Off on One day Fast: Types, Benefits & How to do it

Yoga can work wonders with your endurance

Stamina: You need stamina. There is no doubt about it. Most of the things that we enjoy or want to do require stamina for the proper experience. Yoga can work gently with your body and still increase your stamina overall. In simplest terms, stamina/endurance(wiki) is defined as your ability to exert yourself before getting tired. Each one of us has difference endurance/stamina, which is dependent on physical health, the task for which we are evaluating ourselves. But still, a healthy human being is supposed to have certain standard endurance as a measurement of health. One of slightly less common but [...]

2018-03-03T15:51:57+05:30Health|Comments Off on Yoga can work wonders with your endurance

Yoga shows the way

Yoga shows the way: This quote is by Swami Vishnudevananda, the founder of Sivananda Yoga Ashrams worldwide and author of NY Times bestseller "The complete illustrated guide to Yoga". This simple quote within itself is like a sutra. It needs to be explored, exploded and experienced to understand properly. In a way, this quote highlights an important part of the attained mind. Making things simple yet profound. We know what the word yoga means, and what it denotes. But here Swami Vishnu (the flying swami, as he was fondly called) is pointing to something more profound. Let's break it down [...]

2018-02-11T18:47:11+05:30Health|2 Comments

Why Proper Relaxation Is More Important Than Proper Exercise

Proper relaxation: This post is the result of a candid discussion I was having recently with a veteran heart specialist. During the course of our discussion, he said something that really showed things from different perspective. He quipped, "If only people give rest to their heart, it will say thank you". Coming from a medical professional with over 20 years of experience, it is a simple but very profound statement. The irony is that there is more awareness about health currently. More and more information, activities are being discussed, promoted for health. Then why the numbers of experiences shared about [...]

2018-02-13T20:09:50+05:30Health|4 Comments

The unusual benefit of salt water gargle!

gargling salt water When you are living any of metropolitan or even a big enough city, then with weather change, irritation in the throat is something you notice. This, if not taken care of, usually escalates to a sore throat or viral. Why does this happen? The main reason attributed is air pollution. Though there are many other small issues too. The question is how pollution is affecting our throat? Shouldn’t it stay confined to our respiratory system only? Air Pollution The air quality around us doesn’t only effect out the respiratory system. It affects our food pipe too. You see, our [...]

2018-01-16T12:41:07+05:30Health|Comments Off on The unusual benefit of salt water gargle!

All it takes is, 5 hours a week !

image source: flickr /google In next few days, 3rd month of this year will be over and done with. As per statistics: You are where you were in first of January. If like half of world, your financial year ends in March, then march rush is already here. If not, then you are just getting in groove with work and other responsibilities. But then once in a while articles like this one comes into your newsfeed: Best before and after weight loss photos (100+ answers on this post) How I turned my blog into 5 figure income How to build a [...]

2018-01-17T10:27:19+05:30Health|Comments Off on All it takes is, 5 hours a week !

Why you should meditate. Right now! (5 reasons)

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.” ~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati 1. You can do it anywhere, anytime: Meditation is awareness. About now. About yourself. Nothing else. Most of times, the reason you are not able to even start or think about meditation is that you have certain idea about how meditation is done. Something like this: Which is not true. (though it does look serene :) As such meditation doesn’t require specific setting, sitting etc. Meditation requires you! You can easily meditate on the chair (yes, the chair you are sitting on right now). There is one rule: Choose [...]

2018-12-21T13:32:20+05:30Health|2 Comments
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