How to start teaching yoga?

Teach Yoga: Whatever your point of entry in the field of yoga as a student, once you have practised long enough, you get inspired to teach. The inspiration can be: from observing your yoga teacher, as next progressive step for growth in yoga or maybe to take yoga as a career. In all three, as the path you are choosing is Yoga, it comes with certain responsibilities. Why what is so special just because the field is yoga? The reason is simple: Yoga is the way of life, not just asana and pranayama. Though you may teach mainly these two, [...]

2018-02-02T09:54:02+05:30Teaching|3 Comments

Why teaching yoga, is best way to improve practice!

“Giving is the secret of abundance” — Swami Sivananda A few days back, after the weekly advanced class, one of our senior student asked me a question. “How do you improve my practice? It feels like I am stuck at same growth since last few weeks/months” Such question is, usually, asked by beginners. And questions is not specific to yoga only. It is across the health and wellness industry. The reason is that we start any health routine with certain goal/perception in mind. This is what drives us to be regular and consistent. But such phase doesn’t last long. Either the student [...]

2018-01-17T02:23:37+05:30Teaching|1 Comment
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