Recommended book – Reversing heart disease (read excerpts)

Reversing heart disease I have recently finished reading this book for around 5th time. Reversing heart disease is one such book. Internet is filled with nearly all the information you need. This works well, if you are dealing with a specific question or query. But, when it involves something related to your belief or understanding about 'anything', you need an in depth conversation. Why? Belief is more or less backed by your reasoning and experiences. That is the only way a thought upgrades to belief. Which means to change a belief, the reasoning needs to be satisfied or experience needs [...]

2018-08-31T09:53:56+05:30Health|Comments Off on Recommended book – Reversing heart disease (read excerpts)

How to stay healthy when you don’t have time?

"It takes me 2 hours to reach office. There is no time left to do anything other than a little walk after dinner." This is the reality that most of the people who are living in a metropolitan city and working at a distance of more than 10-15 km. Not many of us are lucky to have an office within 10-15 min drive. This is frustrating.  Here you are working hard to have a life where you can live life the way you want too. Which in most cases you are able to do, unless, it is hampered by the [...]

2018-07-18T20:07:51+05:30Health|Comments Off on How to stay healthy when you don’t have time?

Yoga can work wonders with your endurance

Stamina: You need stamina. There is no doubt about it. Most of the things that we enjoy or want to do require stamina for the proper experience. Yoga can work gently with your body and still increase your stamina overall. In simplest terms, stamina/endurance(wiki) is defined as your ability to exert yourself before getting tired. Each one of us has difference endurance/stamina, which is dependent on physical health, the task for which we are evaluating ourselves. But still, a healthy human being is supposed to have certain standard endurance as a measurement of health. One of slightly less common but [...]

2018-03-03T15:51:57+05:30Health|Comments Off on Yoga can work wonders with your endurance

The unusual benefit of salt water gargle!

gargling salt water When you are living any of metropolitan or even a big enough city, then with weather change, irritation in the throat is something you notice. This, if not taken care of, usually escalates to a sore throat or viral. Why does this happen? The main reason attributed is air pollution. Though there are many other small issues too. The question is how pollution is affecting our throat? Shouldn’t it stay confined to our respiratory system only? Air Pollution The air quality around us doesn’t only effect out the respiratory system. It affects our food pipe too. You see, our [...]

2018-01-16T12:41:07+05:30Health|Comments Off on The unusual benefit of salt water gargle!

Why teaching yoga, is best way to improve practice!

“Giving is the secret of abundance” — Swami Sivananda A few days back, after the weekly advanced class, one of our senior student asked me a question. “How do you improve my practice? It feels like I am stuck at same growth since last few weeks/months” Such question is, usually, asked by beginners. And questions is not specific to yoga only. It is across the health and wellness industry. The reason is that we start any health routine with certain goal/perception in mind. This is what drives us to be regular and consistent. But such phase doesn’t last long. Either the student [...]

2018-01-17T02:23:37+05:30Teaching|1 Comment

The good and not so (good) part of popularity of yoga!

With recent developments (like International Day of Yoga by UN) the spotlight is on the field of yoga. Overall, yoga has managed to survive and thrive for many decades now. This is mainly due to devout practitioners, who devote their life to their practice. What it was lacking was proper research into the field, common standards about teaching yoga (mainly asana and pranayama) as profession. Hopefully, in coming years that will change. As with any other field, which goes through large level changes and growth: This is both good and bad. :wiki Good bits: The good part is that this [...]

2018-01-17T02:27:28+05:30Certification|1 Comment

Yoga Certification : The complete preparation guide

Under the updated syllabus and scheme details, this guide is no longer valid. Please refer to updated guide.  Last Updated: January 2019. Yoga Certification : [This post is follow up post to what you need to know about voluntary yoga certification exam] Read: Which level to appear for - Level 1,  Level 2 or Level 3? The first question after registering yourself for voluntary yoga certification examination is how to prepare for it? As a Yoga professional, you know theory as well as practical aspects but the doubt is: is it sufficient to clear the certification process? To have clarity [...]

2023-07-17T18:42:14+05:30Certification|30 Comments

All you need to know about voluntary yoga certification scheme

This post details about voluntary yoga certification scheme of Quality Council Of India, under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. -Yoga certification QCI Though Yoga as field and practice is famous for quite some time, the recent surge is on various teacher’s training courses. This trend started with segregation of teacher’s based on how long they have trained for. This classification was done by YogaAlliance in the year 1997. Two most common classifications are RYT 200 and RYT 500, which in simple terms is teacher’s training course and advanced teacher’s training course. Yoga Alliance is a non-profit organisation, with its [...]

2023-07-17T18:42:45+05:30Certification|3 Comments

Why you should meditate. Right now! (5 reasons)

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.” ~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati 1. You can do it anywhere, anytime: Meditation is awareness. About now. About yourself. Nothing else. Most of times, the reason you are not able to even start or think about meditation is that you have certain idea about how meditation is done. Something like this: Which is not true. (though it does look serene :) As such meditation doesn’t require specific setting, sitting etc. Meditation requires you! You can easily meditate on the chair (yes, the chair you are sitting on right now). There is one rule: Choose [...]

2018-12-21T13:32:20+05:30Health|2 Comments

Feeling Overwhelmed, overloaded? Here is easy solution

Everyone feel overwhelmed, at some point of time. period. And when such situation occurs, all the productivity hacks/tools, doesn’t feel helpful at all. These tools are only reminding you about still pending work. So, are they bad? Absolutely not. There are many wonderful tools, without which, it would be mess to handle all the roles and responsibilities we have currently. But, they don’t help us to tackle this feeling of system overload. tired cub The main point here is, what to do when you feel overwhelmed? That sense of tiredness, irritation or pure helplessness. Well, this is what we are looking into, [...]

2018-01-18T02:50:51+05:30Health|Comments Off on Feeling Overwhelmed, overloaded? Here is easy solution
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